Online panel discussion:

Will human-like avatars replace real models?

Key takeaways

  • Deconstructed the possibility of co-existence between digital avatars and models in the fashion industry;

  • Touched upon debates such as realism, authenticity, and inclusivity.

  • Consumer perceptions and emotional engagements with digital and real models;

  • Ethical considerations posed pertinent questions about representation and social impact;

  • Explored potential career implications, including threats to traditional modelling practices and new business opportunities;

  • Offered attendees a nuanced understanding of evolving dynamics within the fashion ecosystem.

Meet the panelists

  • Sarah Philomena

    3D consultant and CEO of VSLB.Inc

  • Moïsha Meeng

    Model and founder Juiced Concepts

  • Layla Sailor

    Art director and fashion photographer

  • Kim van den Brule

    Product owner at